As we journey through life, our minds accumulate a wealth of experiences. Yet, as we reach the midpoint of our lives, something within us often seems to falter. Our experiences, a mix of joy and sorrow, are meant to guide us, but they can also drain our energy with the weight of past traumas. In the modern world, we strive for balance and seek to preserve our humanity. Let us maintain clarity and honesty in our thoughts while also charting a course toward a better future. Regardless of the transformations we undergo, it is only through embracing freedom that we can truly move forward.
Bio: Miryana Mihaylova is a multidisciplinary artist working in ceramics, sculpture and drawings. Her art is ever changing and evolving but always remains rooted in aspects of earth, clay and glaze. At present, she focuses on abstract watercolors and drawings as a means of conveying emotions and psychological states through two-dimensional ‘events’ in color and shape. Guided by her long pedigree as a ceramic artist, inspired by the freedom of experimental music, informed by different ideas, including dreams, Miryana navigates experiments in unpredictability, letting watercolors emerge as a juxtaposition between vibrant colors and darkness. Miryana comes from one of the ancient craft centers of Southern Europe, where the secrets of pottery making have been passed around since time immemorial through the Thracian, Byzantine and Ottoman stylistics that have amalgamated with modernity to form her unique approach. Miryana currently lives in Massachusetts with her family and continues to follow her passion for arts. In 2021-2022 she was an Artist in Residence at Worcester Center for Crafts where she produced works in ceramics and watercolors, some of which were exhibited at Krikorian Gallery, Worcester. Currently she is a ceramic instructor at New Art Center in Newton